Buy to Let Calculator

When assessing Buy to Let (BTL) cases we use the following calculations:

Portfolio Landlords/Higher Rate taxpayers

  • A stress rate of 145% x 7.94% will apply (or 6.29% if a fixed product of 5 years or more is required)
  • For Portfolio BTL landlords, any background properties will be assessed at 145% x 6%.

Basic/Nil rate taxpayers

  • A stress rate of 125% x 7.94% will apply (or 6.29% if a fixed product of 5 years or more is required).

Additional Borrowing

The following stress rates will apply (irrespective of product selected):

  • Higher rate taxpayers/Portfolio Landlords - 145% x 7.94%
  • Standard rate taxpayers - 125% x 7.94%

Do not use this calculator if the client has top-slicing needs. Instead, please take a look at our separate top-slicing criteria.

Minimum monthly rent

Is it a Like for Like Remortgage?
Is a 5yr Fixed Product being taken?
Is this a BTL Portfolio Landlord case?
Are all applicants either a Nil rate or Basic (Starter or Intermediate in Scotland) rate tax payer?

Minimum Monthly Rent Required:

Maximum loan

Is it a Like for Like Remortgage?
Is a 5yr Fixed Product being taken?
Is this a BTL Portfolio Landlord case?
Are all applicants either a Nil rate or Basic (Starter or Intermediate in Scotland) rate tax payer?

Maximum Loan Available:

Interest coverage calculator

Is a 5yr Fixed Product being taken?
