To search for an item in the Society's Lending Criteria you can either:

  • Select the category - Residential, Buy to Let etc.
  • You can then:
    • Search for key words - "BTL", "Income", "Self Employed" etc. OR
    • Select the All or First Letter within the alphabetical filter

Filter Lending Criteria Alphabetically:

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Minimum Submission Criteria

Please see Minimum Submission Flow document [PDF] and Acceptable Documents for our usual requirements and further guidance.

Once you have submitted your application on the eMortgages system please check the ‘Outstanding Items’ list in eMortgages to determine what documents you need to forward to us.

We automatically attempt to electronically verify every applicant’s ID and income when the application is submitted, this means that our document requirements may vary for each applicant.

If your case is submitted correctly packaged it will mean that it can be fully underwritten within our service levels, providing a quick and efficient service for you and your client.