Buy To Let calculator
When assessing BTL cases we will use the following calculations:
Portfolio Landlords/Higher Rate Tax Payers
A stress rate of 145% x 7.94% will apply (or 6.29% if a fixed product of 5 years or more is required).
For Portfolio BTL landlords any background properties will be assessed at 145% x 6%.
Basic/Nil rate taxpayers
A stress rate of 125% x 7.94% will apply (or 6.29% if a fixed product of 5 years or more is required).
Additional Borrowing
The following stress rates will apply (irrespective of product selected):
- Higher rate taxpayers/Portfolio Landlords - 145% x 7.94%
- Standard rate taxpayers - 125% x 7.94%
Do not use this calculator if top-slicing is required. Please refer to our separate top-slicing criteria within the A-Z Lending Criteria.